What Is DirectAdmin?

DirectAdmin is a graphical web-based web hosting control panel developed by JBMC Software. It is designed to make administration of websites easier and now it is on ConfirmHost. DirectAdmin is designed to function for a Servives such as shared hosting, wordpress hosting, reseller hosting, VPS(Virtual Private Server) hosting and Dedicated server.


DirectAdmin offers 3 access levels: Admin, Reseller, User. You can even add a fourth e-mail level supported by an official free plugin. Please see below for the features provided by each access level and general features of DirectAdmin. For a full list of software which is supported on DirectAdmin servers please visit Supported Services page.

  • Administrator Features

    An admin has full control over all direct admin features like creating admins or resellers, create reseller packages, Show all user, DNS administration, IP management, System/Service Info, DNS clustering, Spam filtering, Licensing and updates.

  • Reseller Features

    A reseller has a limited acces in direct admin to create user packages, create or modify or list accounts, statistics of reseller account, message all users, Custom Nameservers, System/Service Information and IP assignment.

  • User Featues

    User accounts are equipped with E-mail management, FTP Management, DNS Menu (DNS records), Statistics Menu, File Manager, MySQL Databases, Site Backup, Custom Error Pages, Directory Password Protection, PHP Selector, Extran and Advanced Tools Users can install SSL certificates, view sever information and installed perl modules, set cron jobs, mime types, and apache handlers, and enable site redirection and domain pointers.

DirectAdmin Demo

Admins demo

Admins have a User, Reseller, and Admin panel. Admins have full access to server configuration.

login: demoadmin
password: demo

Resellers demo

Resellers can create User accounts. They are also Users, so they have a Reseller and User panel.

login: demoreseller
password: demo

Users demo

Users are web hosting clients. They use DirectAdmin to configure their web site and manage their database.

login: demouser
password: demouser

About Live Demos


Please note some features have been disabled or not visible in the demo for security purposes.